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Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Patience and Equanimity.

In by Tsony

The third paramita trains us to be steady and openhearted in the face of difficult people and circumstances. Patience entails cultivating skillful courageousness, mindfulness, and tolerance. In general, when we feel that others are hurting …

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Bodhicitta in the Perspective of Mahamudra

In by Tsony

The way of the bodhisattva follows, simultaneously, two complementary trainings: Discernment (Prajna), and compassionate benevolence (Maitri/Karuna), they are known as Bodhicitta, the enlightened mind attitude. Intention: The deep longing for enlightenment rises from the understanding …

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Une V(o)ie

In by Tsony

Annulé Notre chemin spirituel vers l’éveil ne se fait pas en parallèle de notre vie. L’entraînement de l’esprit nous apprend à « amener la vie à la voie ». Parmi la multitude des instructions, il est bon …

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Notre Expérience de la Réalité

In by Tsony

Ce stage est annulé, le centre étant fermé pour cause de CoVid-19 Le Bouddha Shakyamouni a déclaré n’avoir traité que quatre grands sujets fondamentaux, les quatre vérités des êtres nobles. Son intention, qui était de …

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Naviguez avec Grâce en Eaux Troubles

In by Tsony

Ce stage est annulé pour cause de CoVid-19 “Lorsque le monde et les êtres sont emplis de négativités transformez les en voie d’éveil” L’entraînement de l’esprit en sept points. Chaque époque est marquée de périodes …

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Les Perles de la Voie. Enseignement

In by Tsony

Rendez vous sur Zoom pour une réflexion sur le chemin vers l’éveil. Visio-conférence interactive, Organisé par le  CEBTL, Lyon, ouverte à tous, accessible aux débutants. En direct via Zoom et en français. L’enseignement regroupe 2 sessions …

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This Cushion Is Free. Are You?

In by Tsony

Canceled for COVID reasons. Listen to the Zoom sessions HERE Sit. Walk. Share It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one …

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This Cushion Is Free. Are You? Sit, Walk, Share

In by Tsony

It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one can dedicate longer periods of time in a retreat situation. During the sessions …

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Laziness and Procrastination

In by Tsony

How many of us have a sincere desire to progress on the spiritual path but get carried away by their daily activities and never approach the meditation cushion or contemplative reading? What we might call …

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The Sevenfold Prayer as an Ideal Lifestyle

In by Tsony

The Sevenfold Prayer as an Ideal Lifestyle   Shantideva recommends that his readers should practice the Supreme Worship as laid out in a text known as the Vow of Good Conduct (Skt. Bhadracarya-pranidhana), which forms part of the Array …

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Paresse et Procrastination?

In by Tsony

Combien d’entre nous ont le désir sincère de progresser sur le chemin spirituel mais se laissent emporter par leurs activités quotidiennes et ne s’approchent jamais du coussin de méditation ou d’une lecture contemplative? Ce que …

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Se Connaître, S’Eveiller

In by Tsony

“D’abord, assimiles les préliminaires.”           In “L’entrainement de l’esprit en sept points” de Chekawa Yeshe Dorje Qu’est-ce qui fait de nous un être consciemment engagé sur la voie d’éveil ouverte par …

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Extraits de la Prière d’Aspiration du Mahamoudra

In by Tsony

Le Mahamoudra est la nature ultime de l’esprit – la prière du Mahamoudra du Troisième Karmapa est une aspiration souhaitant que tous les êtres sensibles réalisent la vraie nature de l’esprit, ainsi qu’une explication claire, …

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Clarifying the Natural State

In by Tsony

Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain. Brighten your awareness and remain shining like …

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Wahres Mitgefühl. Universal Compassion

In by Tsony

Program 2019 Wie kann man echtes Mitgefühl für sich selbst und andere entwickeln? Alle Wesen, deren Anzahl so unendlich ist wie der Raum, bleiben,da sie sich ihrer wahren Buddhanatur nicht bewusst sind, in der künstlichen …

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Mahamudra. Exploring Gendun Rinpoche’s Legacy

In by Tsony

Mahámudra 17.-22. Apríl 2019 / Javorie 5-dňové intenzívne meditačné sústredenie bude viesť meditačný majster: Láma Tsony Láma Tsony nás bude viesť retreatom opierajúc sa o učenie Genduna Rinpočeho, ktorého je Láma Tsony následovník. Ako pomôcka nám …

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Samatha et Vipashyana dans la Perspective du Mahamoudra

In by Tsony

Samatha est une attention tenue en un point. Vipashyana est la discrimination individuelle des phénomènes, correctement et exactement tel qu’ils sont. Samatha pacifie momentanément les émotions perturbatrices, tandis que Vipashyana les éradique complètement.                Soutra …

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Teachings from Milarepa’s Treasury of Dohas

In by Tsony

A Doha is a form of poetry and is often referred to as a song. According to the sutras, the disciples of the Buddha would sometimes compose spontaneous verses during his teaching sessions. Tibetan translators such as …

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Clarifying the Natural State

In by Tsony

Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain. Brighten your awareness and remain shining like …

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Licking Honey on the Razor Blade

In by Tsony

The hazardous adventures of fearless compassionate wisdom in a world of change. Embrace this time and culture and turn it into enlightening art. We are faced with chaos in unknown uncharted territories, a time of …

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Awakened Life

In by Tsony

An awakened life, like a garden, requires constant TLC. Gratitude and benevolence spring from the understanding of the interdependence of everything. It will give birth to the enlightened mind attitude (Skt.Bodhicitta). Mindfulness and awareness will …

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Autumn Meditation Retreat

In by Tsony

Clarifying the Natural State Text by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal (1511-87). Essential instructions on mind’s nature and silent meditative discovery of it

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Freedom is Happiness, Happiness is Freedom

In by Tsony

What might be the definition of happiness? There might be as many definitions as there are people. What seems to be happiness for some can seem to be a prison for others. So maybe there …