Retreat im August: „Ein Schatzkästchen des Heiligen Dharma“ Belonging to the set of instructions known as the Seven Excellent Interdependent Connections (rten ‘brel rab bdun ma), this text by the great Kagyü teacher Pema Karpo …
A Casket of Sacred Dharma by Padma Karpo
View PostCan Milarepa inspire our life in the 21rst Century?
View PostFall Meditation Retreat at Natural Bridge, VA Bodhipath.
Let us take a moment of contemplation of the true nature of our mind while sitting, walking and having fruitful dialogues about what truly matters. Practice, in a sense, is the same as any kind …
Dialogue sur le Chemin. Patience, régularité ou sprint sur la voie du Mahamoudra.
Dialogue sur le Chemin. Patience, régularité ou sprint sur la voie du Mahamoudra. Chaque dernier samedi du mois à 16:00, heure européenne (CET). J’ai opté pour des sessions de 90 minutes. Mon souhait est d’ouvrir …
Dharma Family Gathering in Bratislava, Slovakia
Save the dates! More details to be announced.
Sunday Talks 2024 #3 Ignorance the great hypnotist
View PostHow can Milarepa inspire us for our practice and our life? Bordo, Italy
How can Milarepa inspire us for our practice and our life? Together we will look at how the great yogi Milarepa can support us with his approach to life, his practice and his realisation in …
Dialogues sur le chemin au Jardin de Grande Compassion, France
Dialogues sur le chemin Il semble important d’accompagner la réflexion et la méditation par des moments d’échange venus de l’expérience et du cœur. Du Vendredi 2 août au soir au lundi 5 août 2024 au …
Meditation Retreat in Slovakia
Dhagpo Kagyu The Path to Awakening See here UPDATE: Meditation retreat with Lama Tsony, Domoraj 19. – 23.7.2023 Meditation retreat with Lama Tsony , Domoraj 19. – 23.7.2023 The Path of the Bodhisattva in the Mahamudra Tradition ________________________________________ We …
The golden chain of spirituality.Meditation Retreat.
Retreat mit Lama Francis As we continue our exploration of the “Natural State” through undivided vipashyana and compassion, I would like to speak to you about the need for clear and courageous motivation. Trungpa Rinpoche …
Bodhi Path Natural Bridge Fall Retreat.
This Cushion Is Free. Are You? Sit. Walk. Share It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one can dedicate longer periods …
Sunday Talk 2022 #16.Once I dreamt I parked my Car Wrongly…
View PostBardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Bardo, the intermediary state. Study of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo Composed by the Fifth Shamarpa. Tuesdays Study Classes.
Welcome to our Tuesday classes! During theses series we are going to explore the intermediary state (Tib.Bardo) with the help of the Aspiration Prayer of Bardo composed by the Fifth Shamarpa, Könchok Yenlak. Join us …
Dialogue sur le Chemin.Prières et Mantras, leur fonction et comment les utiliser.
Bonjour mes Ami(e)s, Après la pause estivale nous reprenons notre Dialogue sur le Chemin mensuel. Le thème qui m’a été demandé pour cette occasion est : Prières et Mantras, leur fonction et comment les utiliser. Rendez …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Prayers and Mantras, their function and how to use them.
Hello Friends, After the summer break, we resume our monthly Dharma Roadside Dialogue. The theme that has been asked of me for this occasion is: Prayers and Mantras, their function and how to use them. …
Sunday Talk 2022 #15.Shamata & Vipashyana:Radically Turn the Base
View PostBodhicitta and its Applications. Dharma Center Mörha, Germany.
Bodhicitta and its Application Bodhicitta is the wish to attain enlightenment motivated by great compassion for all sentient beings, accompanied by a falling away of the attachment to the illusion of an inherently existing self. …
Bodhi Path Natural Bridge Spring Retreat.
This Cushion Is Free. Are You? Sit. Walk. Share It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one can dedicate longer periods …
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Weekly Study of “Buddha Nature” by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Buddha Nature by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here! Buddha Nature: Our Potential for Wisdom, Compassion, and Happiness This book presents teachings that Shamar Rinpoche gave on buddha …
Weekly Study of Boundless Wisdom by Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche
Weekly class online with Dharma teacher Tsony. Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST Join Zoom Here!
Spacious Awareness of the Perceiving Mind
View PostBodhicitta in the Perspective of Mahamudra
The way of the bodhisattva follows, simultaneously, two complementary trainings: Discernment (Prajna), and compassionate benevolence (Maitri/Karuna), they are known as Bodhicitta, the enlightened mind attitude. Intention: The deep longing for enlightenment rises from the understanding …
Being familiar with being NATURAL – Vipashyana and the wisdom of emptiness
Clarifying The natural state Vipashyana and the wisdom of emptiness The retreat in Retzhof, Austria will open one daily session of teaching for a larger audience via zoom. Lama Tsony is inviting you to a …
Boundless Wisdom
Online study of “Boundless Wisdom” of Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche. Join us through Zoom every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm EST.
Boundless Wisdom Part One. Winter Retreat in Natural Bridge, VA.
Study, Contemplate, Meditate. “Realize that there is no other occupation in life more worthwhile than meditation. It doesn’t matter whether it takes a lifetime or just a day for good results to come. You should …
The Instruction of Gampopa: A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path. Part Three
In the words of Gampopa: “To all future individuals devoted to me who think they cannot meet me: Please read the treatises composed by me, such as Precious Garland and The Ornament of Precious Liberation. …
This Cushion Is Free. Are You?
Canceled for COVID reasons. Listen to the Zoom sessions HERE Sit. Walk. Share It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one …
Four Dharmas of Gampopa
Canceled for COVID reasons Grant your blessings that the mind may follow the Dharma Grant your blessings that the Dharma may become the path Grant your blessings that the path may clarify confusion Grant your …
Fall Meditation and Study Retreat. The Third Karmapa’s Mahamudra Prayer Part Three
We continue our exploration of the natural state of mind through meditation and the study of the Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. The Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje is …
This Cushion Is Free. Are You? Sit, Walk, Share
It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one can dedicate longer periods of time in a retreat situation. During the sessions …
The Instruction of Gampopa: A Precious Garland of the Supreme Path. Part One
In the words of Gampopa: “To all future individuals devoted to me who think they cannot meet me: Please read the treatises composed by me, such as Precious Garland and The Ornament of Precious Liberation. …
Excerpts from the Mahamudra Prayer
View PostKunzig Shamar Rinpoche and the Bodhi Path
View PostExtraits de la Prière d’Aspiration du Mahamoudra
Le Mahamoudra est la nature ultime de l’esprit – la prière du Mahamoudra du Troisième Karmapa est une aspiration souhaitant que tous les êtres sensibles réalisent la vraie nature de l’esprit, ainsi qu’une explication claire, …
Clarifying the Natural State
Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain. Brighten your awareness and remain shining like …
Ecology of Body, Speech and Mind. Public Talk
The Source of all of our problems as well as the source of all our solutions is to be found in the mind. Our capacity or incapacity to adapt to the world depends on our …
Clarifying the Natural State. Part Two, Vipasyana and the Wisdom of Emptiness
Program 2019 Dakpo Tashi Namgyal’s essential instructions on how to unveil the genuine mind’s nature. A practical manual for both teacher and student alike, Clarifying the Natural State covers the path from mindfulness to complete …
Winter Meditation and Study Retreat. The Third Karmapa’s Mahamudra Prayer Part Two
We continue our exploration of the natural state of mind through meditation and the study of the Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. The Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje is …
Mahamudra. Exploring Gendun Rinpoche’s Legacy
Mahámudra 17.-22. Apríl 2019 / Javorie 5-dňové intenzívne meditačné sústredenie bude viesť meditačný majster: Láma Tsony Láma Tsony nás bude viesť retreatom opierajúc sa o učenie Genduna Rinpočeho, ktorého je Láma Tsony následovník. Ako pomôcka nám …
Clarifying the Natural State, Part 3
Meditation Retreat with Talks by Karma Trinlay Rinpoche on Mahamudra the first two days. The Supreme Accomplishment of Mahamudra A Buddhist Classic A practical manual for both teacher and student alike, Clarifying the Natural State covers …
Clarifying the Natural State – Bodhi Path Miami February 2018.
View PostEngage with the Mind Beyond the Story of Thoughts
View PostChange Interdependence Emptiness
View PostThe Path of Meditation in a Nutshell
View PostTeachings from Milarepa’s Treasury of Dohas
A Doha is a form of poetry and is often referred to as a song. According to the sutras, the disciples of the Buddha would sometimes compose spontaneous verses during his teaching sessions. Tibetan translators such as …
Meditation as a Preparation to Wise and Compassionate Action
View PostClarifying the Natural State
Elevate your experience and remain wide open like the sky. Expand your mindfulness and remain pervasive like the earth. Steady your attention and remain unshakable like a mountain. Brighten your awareness and remain shining like …
Samatha and Vipashyana in the Mahamudra Perspective, Part 2
As the teachings about meditation from different Buddhist traditions become accessible in our society, as well as the different adaptations of the now trendy mindfulness practices, confusion grows about what the terms samatha and vipashyana …
Samatha and Vipashyana in the Mahamudra Perspective, Part 1
As the teachings about meditation from different Buddhist traditions become accessible in our society, as well as the different adaptations of the now trendy mindfulness practices, confusion grows about what the terms samatha and vipashyana …
Samatha and Vipashyana in the Mahamudra Perspective. Samatha und Vipashyana in der Mahamudra Perspektive
As the teachings about meditation from different Buddhist traditions become accessible in our society, as well as the different adaptations of the now trendy mindfulness practices, confusion grows about what the terms samatha and vipashyana …
Zelená Tára a Mahámudra inštrukcie podľa Genduna Rinpočheho. Green Tara and Gendun Rinpoche’s Mahamudra instructions
8-dňový retreat s Lamom Tsonym, Javorie 11. – 19.4. 2017 Posted on november 9, 2016by cesta k prebudeniu Zelená Tára a Mahámudra inštrukcie podľa Genduna Rinpočheho Lama Tsony podá kompletné inštrukcie k praxi Zelenej Táry a …