Retreat im August: „Ein Schatzkästchen des Heiligen Dharma“ Belonging to the set of instructions known as the Seven Excellent Interdependent Connections (rten ‘brel rab bdun ma), this text by the great Kagyü teacher Pema Karpo …
Karma Kagyu Sangha, Vienna. Austria. “Mit Herausforderungen umgehen.”
“Mit Herausforderungen umgehen” aus dem Mahayana-Geistestraining in Sieben Punkten. “Dealing with Challenges” from the Mahayana Mind Training in Seven Points. Karma Kagyü Sangha Wien | Buddhistisches Zentrum Fleischmarkt 16/23, 1010 Wien, Austria E-Mail:
Dharma Family Gathering in Oneness Centrum Rusava,CZ.
768 41 Rusava-Bystřice pod Hostýnem 7, Tchéquie
Darmstadt, Germany. Dharma-Dialog am Straßenrand
Contact: Buddhistische Meditationsgruppe Darmstadt KTT e. V. Adelungstraße 41 64283 Darmstadt Alobar Werner Phone: +49 / (0)6151 / 967 65 31 E-mail:
Dharma Family Gathering in Bratislava, Slovakia
Save the dates! More details to be announced.
Meditation Retreat in Slovakia
Dhagpo Kagyu The Path to Awakening See here UPDATE: Meditation retreat with Lama Tsony, Domoraj 19. – 23.7.2023 Meditation retreat with Lama Tsony , Domoraj 19. – 23.7.2023 The Path of the Bodhisattva in the Mahamudra Tradition ________________________________________ We …
The golden chain of spirituality.Meditation Retreat.
Retreat mit Lama Francis As we continue our exploration of the “Natural State” through undivided vipashyana and compassion, I would like to speak to you about the need for clear and courageous motivation. Trungpa Rinpoche …
Commémoration des 25 ans du départ de lama Guendune Rinpoché
Du vendredi 19 au dimanche 21 août 2022 Commémoration des 25 ans du départ de lama Guendune Rinpoché. Grand accompli envoyé en Europe par le 16e Karmapa en 1975, lama Guendune Rinpoché a permis à …
Bodhi Path Natural Bridge Spring Retreat.
This Cushion Is Free. Are You? Sit. Walk. Share It is crucial to sit every day and become acquainted with one’s mind. This will become increasingly profound and simple if one can dedicate longer periods …
Winter Meditation and Study Retreat. The Third Karmapa’s Mahamudra Prayer Part Two
We continue our exploration of the natural state of mind through meditation and the study of the Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. The Mahamudra Prayer by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje is …
Mahamudra. Exploring Gendun Rinpoche’s Legacy
Mahámudra 17.-22. Apríl 2019 / Javorie 5-dňové intenzívne meditačné sústredenie bude viesť meditačný majster: Láma Tsony Láma Tsony nás bude viesť retreatom opierajúc sa o učenie Genduna Rinpočeho, ktorého je Láma Tsony následovník. Ako pomôcka nám …
Clarifying the Natural State, Part Two. Vipashyana and the Wisdom of Emptiness.
Vipashyana and the Wisdom of Emptiness. Winter Meditation Retreat. Clarifying the Natural State Text by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal (1511-87). Essential instructions on mind’s nature and silent meditative discovery of it
Licking Honey off a Razor Blade
View PostPractical Meditation; Dharma Roadside Assistance
Meditation in a practical, simple yet essential approach. “Bring Your Own Questions” session. No question is off limit. Please see brief overview on Practical Meditation for our discussion: Gentleness with yourself is essential in …
The Cittamatra School of Thoughts and its Influence on Mahamudra
The Chittamatra school of thoughts The teachings of the Cittamatra system are based on the third turning of the dharma wheel and texts by Maitreya, Asanga and Vasubandhu. They include a number of important …
Boundless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Part One: Calm Abiding
Boundless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation Theoretical study and guided practice. Everyone is welcome from “absolute beginners” to “almost enlightened” “Whatever arises from the mind is of the nature of the mind. Water …
Boundless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Part One: Calm Abiding
Boundless Awakening: The Heart of Buddhist Meditation Theoretical study and guided practice. Everyone is welcome from “absolute beginners” to “almost enlightened” “Whatever arises from the mind is of the nature of the mind. Water …
Day-to-Day Buddhism @ New River Valley Bodhi Path, Blacksburg, VA
Nobody wants to suffer, and everyone wants to be happy. Buddhism offers many methods to find space in our busy lives for contemplation. Learning to meditate with experienced guidance can pacify our suffering and truly transform our life. Taking our experience of …
Four Dharma of Gampopa. Part IV, The Confusion Dawns as Wisdom
I will briefly explain the nectar of his speech that is renowned as “The Four Dharmas.” These say: [“Grant your blessings so that] 1) Dharma turns into dharma 2) Dharma turns into the path 3) …