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Last Saturday of October Study Afternoon

In by Tsony

The Sutra Recalling The Qualities Of The Three Jewels Part I: The Buddha -continued The Tibetan term for Buddha, Sangyé, is explained as follows: Sang means ‘awakening’ from the sleep of ignorance, and ‘purifying’ the darkness of …

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Exploring the True Nature of Mind

In by Tsony

A Retreat of Meditation with Instructions from the Mahamudra-The Ocean of True Meaning of the Ninth Karmapa. Mahamudra-The Ocean of True Meaning contains the essence of the Buddhist path of liberation that the Buddha Shakyamuni taught …

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Finding Your Internal and External Coherency

In by Tsony

Finding Your Internal and External Coherency If we look beyond the mesmerizing glimmer of appearances, we progressively discover a world of wonder. Mind is a cognitive space that contains all the seeds of manifestation. Love …

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Atisha et Gampopa, la Confluence des Deux Fleuves

In by Tsony

      La confluence des deux fleuves bka ‘phyag chu bo gnyis   Les deux facettes, relative et essentielle, de la Bodhicitta constituent le chemin vers l’éveil. Les enseignements sur l’entraînement de l’esprit, dans …

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Bodhi Path Buddhist Center of Chicago

In by Tsony

Bodhi Path Chicago Welcomes Lama Tsony Lama Tsony returns to Chicago for his first visit since 2007 Topic to be announced. Friday December 2, 7-9pm Saturday December 3, 1-6pm Sunday December 4, 10:30-4pm

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Connect with Your Heart and Find Healing

In by Tsony

In today’s world of progress and rapid change our professional life, society and interpersonal relationships all make high demands of us. How can we deal with these demands in such a way as to stay …

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La Septuple Prière, Mode de Vie Idéal

In by Tsony

Dans ses trois premiers chapitres du Bodhicaryavatara, Shantideva démontre l’éminence et la transcendance de l’Esprit d’Éveil (Skt.Bodhicitta). Il nous montre comment préparer l’humus de notre esprit pour que la graine de la Bodhicitta puisse y …

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Voix Libérée, Chants Libres. La Poésie de l’Eveil

In by Tsony

Depuis le Therigatha des disciples du Bouddha, jusqu’aux chants de réalisation des maîtres contemporains, en passant par les Doha, chants mystiques de l’Inde et du Tibet, les accompli(e)s d’antan ont pu exprimer l’inconcevable par une …

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Practical Meditation

In by Tsony

Practical Meditation Relieve stress and fatigue. Discover calmness and clarity. Cultivate mindfulness. A four-week class of explanation and guided exercises with beginner instructions given at every session. Four Fridays: October 21, 28, and November 4, …