Retreat im August: „Ein Schatzkästchen des Heiligen Dharma“ Belonging to the set of instructions known as the Seven Excellent Interdependent Connections (rten ‘brel rab bdun ma), this text by the great Kagyü teacher Pema Karpo …
Karma Kagyu Sangha, Vienna. Austria. “Mit Herausforderungen umgehen.”
“Mit Herausforderungen umgehen” aus dem Mahayana-Geistestraining in Sieben Punkten. “Dealing with Challenges” from the Mahayana Mind Training in Seven Points. Karma Kagyü Sangha Wien | Buddhistisches Zentrum Fleischmarkt 16/23, 1010 Wien, Austria E-Mail:
Darmstadt, Germany. Dharma-Dialog am Straßenrand
Contact: Buddhistische Meditationsgruppe Darmstadt KTT e. V. Adelungstraße 41 64283 Darmstadt Alobar Werner Phone: +49 / (0)6151 / 967 65 31 E-mail:
Dharma roadside dialogue. Patience, regularity or sprint on the path of Mahamudra.
Dharma roadside dialogue. Patience, regularity or sprint on the path of Mahamudra. Every last Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm East coast time (EST), 7:30 pm European time (CET). The intent of these sessions …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue
Every last Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm East coast time (EST), 7:30 pm European time (CET). The intent of these sessions is be to facilitate a lively exchange on how to apply in …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue.Specific Preliminaries, Dharma and social life (part 2)
Specific Preliminaries What about the Preliminary Exercises? Is the preliminary practice stage essential? What to do with resistance to undertaking this section of the path? Where is the training in calm abiding (Samatha) in these …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Preliminary Practices without Drama.
Every last Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm East coast time (EST), Because the summer time change has already taken place in the US and not yet in Europe, it will be exceptionally at …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue
Every last Saturday of the month at 1:30 pm East coast time (EST), 7:30 pm European time (CET). The intent of these sessions is be to facilitate a lively exchange on how to apply in …
How can Milarepa inspire us for our practice and our life? Bordo, Italy
How can Milarepa inspire us for our practice and our life? Together we will look at how the great yogi Milarepa can support us with his approach to life, his practice and his realisation in …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Renunciation.
Looking forward seeing you for our monthly Dharma Roadside Dialogue on Saturday November 26, 2022. The session will start at 1:30 pm EST until 4pm. For Europeans, the schedule will be from 7:30 pm to 10:00 …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Prayers and Mantras, their function and how to use them.
Hello Friends, After the summer break, we resume our monthly Dharma Roadside Dialogue. The theme that has been asked of me for this occasion is: Prayers and Mantras, their function and how to use them. …
Darmstadt: “Bring your Own Question” Session
Details TBA Due to the large distance between the seats, the participants* have to register for the group meditation by email . We have created a hygiene concept that can be read or downloaded here. Karmapa Thaye Dorje said …
Dharma roadside dialogue. Find liberation through both reflection and analysis. Lojong 7/55.
A monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, will take place every last Saturday of the month. Join Zoom Here! From 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST, Tsony will give a talk on one of the themes …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Czech & Slovak Fellowship.
Lama Tsony is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dharma Roadside Czech & Slovak Time: May 29, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 5383 …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue Series. Defeat the Klesha.Part 3: By the depth of discernment
A monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, will take place every last Saturday of the month. Join Zoom Here! Warning! The transition to the summer timetable has already been made in the …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue Series. Defeat the Klesha.Part 2: By unlimited love and compassion
A monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, will take place every last Saturday of the month. Join Zoom Here! From 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST, Tsony will give a talk on one of …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue Series. Defeat the Klesha.
A monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, will take place every last Saturday of the month. Join Zoom Here! From 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST, Tsony will give a talk on one of …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. The Great Yoga: You are well trained if you can even withstand distraction.
Join us for our monthly Dharma Roadside Dialogue Saturday November 27,2021 In English: Join Zoom Here! From 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST, Tsony will give a talk on one of the themes requested by you! From …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues #10. How to Transform our Dualistic Vision by the Awareness of Impermanence
How can the recognition of transitoriness in daily life bring about the realization of interconnectedness and the unity of form and emptiness? How to look, with the help of examples, for evidence of impermanence throughout our …
Dharma Roadside Dialogue. Patience and Equanimity.
The third paramita trains us to be steady and openhearted in the face of difficult people and circumstances. Patience entails cultivating skillful courageousness, mindfulness, and tolerance. In general, when we feel that others are hurting …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues. A Veneer of Confusion on an Ocean of Wisdom
I am very happy to announce that I will conduct a monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, starting on January 30th. They will take place every last Saturday of the …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues. Focusing on your practice, staying true to yourself
I am very happy to announce that I will conduct a monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, starting on January 30th. They will take place every last Saturday of the …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues. Right Livelihood, Leading a Wholesome Life
I am very happy to announce that I will conduct a monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, starting on January 30th. They will take place every last Saturday of the …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues. Beyond fascination and rejection, a path to peace transcending extremes
I am very happy to announce that I will conduct a monthly series of talks and questions & answers sessions via Zoom, starting on January 30th. They will take place every last Saturday of the …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues. A life is short. How can we remain focused on the essentials?: The path of accumulation.
In English: Join Zoom Here! From 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST, (19:30 CET) Tsony will give a talk on one of the themes requested by you! From 3:00pm to 4:00pm EST, (21:00 CET) we’ll have time for …
Dharma Roadside Dialogues.#9 Transforming Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment
#9 Transforming Suffering and Happiness into Enlightenment by Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpe Nyima Homage I pay homage to Noble Avalokiteśvara, recalling his qualities:Forever joyful at the happiness of others,And plunged into sorrow whenever they suffer,You have …