Gendun Rinpoche – A Propos de Karmapa Tsony Dharma Teachings, Français, Gendun Rinpoche, The Masters, Video June 12, 2015
Faith & Doubt. Rockbridge Interfaith Panel Discussion Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Lectures, Tsony September 27, 2019
Distraction and Lack of Persistence Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Sunday Morning Talks, Tsony January 4, 2020
Karmapa Thaye Dorje. Chenresig practice and teaching on change, karma and COVID-19 Tsony 17th Karmapa, Dharma Teachings, Karmapa, The Masters, Video March 20, 2020
When I Try To Apply Self-Discipline, So Much Resistance Arises… Tsony Dear Tsony..., Dharma Teachings, Tsony September 5, 2015