Thoughts on the Early Stages of Meditation Practice Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Dharma Teachings, Lectures, Tsony January 3, 2019
Sutra of Recollection of the Three Jewels Tsony Artists, Audio, Buddhism, Musicians, Video, Writers & Poets November 10, 2016
Gampopa’s Precious Ornament of Liberation. Overview of the Six Paramitas Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Lectures, Meditation, Tsony February 22, 2022
When I Try To Apply Self-Discipline, So Much Resistance Arises… Tsony Dear Tsony..., Dharma Teachings, Tsony September 5, 2015
The Natural State of Mind is Space and Clarity Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Dharma Teachings, Meditation, Sunday Morning Talks, Tsony October 28, 2018