Working Partnership: How Mindfulness Inspires Compassion Tsony Audio, Dharma Teachings, Lectures, Tsony December 17, 2015
The Path of the Sugatas Tsony Buddhism, Dharma Teachings, Meditation, Shamar Rinpoche September 15, 2020
Four Seals & Four Breaths Tsony Audio, Buddhism, Dharma Teachings, Sunday Morning Talks, Tsony July 6, 2021
When I Try To Apply Self-Discipline, So Much Resistance Arises… Tsony Dear Tsony..., Dharma Teachings, Tsony September 5, 2015
Give and Take Ride the Breath (Tib. Tong-Len) Tsony Buddhism, Dharma Teachings, Lectures, Tsony July 7, 2024