When I Try To Apply Self-Discipline, So Much Resistance Arises…

In Dear Tsony..., Dharma Teachings, Tsony by TsonyLeave a Comment

When I try to apply self-discipline, so much resistance arises that I become paralyzed. “I” block “my” ability to act, especially to act on my own behalf. For moments at a time I see that this is all a self-centered distraction. Usually, I feel stuck fast in the beliefs.


Inertia creeps in when awareness falls asleep.

“Self-discipline” is often not sufficient against deeply ingrained habits.

In order to outsmart the reluctant mind one needs to develop new habits.

One way is to celebrate the preciousness of our existence, its assets and freedom, by reflecting on what what would be a life without them. To continue our reflection with a clear vision of the fragility of this situation, and of how many effort were necessary to enjoy this state of freedom. Contemplating the ways of assuring the sustainability of these freedom and asset; contemplate cause an effect. Waking up from lethargy by contemplating impermanence.

Another way is that of the heart of compassion; contemplate interconnectedness. feel the blessings that came your way through many threads and sense the gratitude filling your heart.From there, contemplate the ways of your creativity to thank each one and help them in their difficult moment.

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